Beginning with version 6.6, Scrap Dragon is able to automatically store pdf versions of Scale Tickets, Cashier Receipts, Remittance Advice and Checks in jpegger with the other images for the ticket.
Jpegger Setup
- In the Jpegger configuration screen, add a camera to be used for capturing the pdf’s. Assign any name you want to the camera such as PDF. Set the camera type to ‘Single File’ but leave the file name blank.
Scrap Dragon Setup
- Create a folder named ‘pdftemp’ under the data path folder on the server. Eg. \server namedragoncompdatapdftemp
- In Scrap Dragon, back office; maintenance; setup; local computer options; imaging tab. enter the single file camera name that you setup in jpegger as the ID Save camera.
- To automatically save a copy of the Scale Ticket to pdf: In Scrap Dragon, back office; maintenance; setup; local computer options, scale printing tab. Check the PDF box next to Scale Purchase Ticket
- To automatically save a copy of the Cashier Receipt to pdf: In Scrap Dragon, back office; maintenance; setup; local computer options, cashier printing tab. Check the PDF box next to Cashier Receipt
- To automatically save a copy of the Remittance Advice to pdf: In Scrap Dragon, back office; maintenance; setup; local computer options, cashier printing tab. Check the PDF box next to Remittance Advice
- To automatically save a copy of the Check to pdf: In Scrap Dragon, back office; maintenance; setup; programr options, payments tab, checking account setup, detail tab. Check the PDF box.
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